Logistics Management

For nearly 30 years, Quay Cargo Services has drawn on the expertise of team members and our project experience of shipping cargoes across the globe to provide the most effective and efficient logistics solutions for customers in Northern Ireland.

Whether shipping fish, plant machinery, pharmaceutical products or bicycles, we have consistently demonstrated our ability to plan, manage and control the movement and storage of goods between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet our customer’s requirements. Some notable examples which demonstrate our project management capabilities are highlighted below:

UN Hurricane Katrina Relief Mission

In the aftermath of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans in August 2005, Quay Cargo was engaged to manage the urgent shipment of Generators from Northern Ireland to the US. Understanding that the relief mission was dependent on establishing power supplies swiftly, Quay Cargo made use of our international networks to transport mobile generators in containers to the city in the shortest operational timeframe.

Hurricane Katrina damage Gulfport Mississippi
: by FEMA/Mark Wolfe from the FEMA Photo Library

UN Haiti Earthquake Relief Mission

Three million Haitians were affected by the 2010 earthquake which killed hundreds of thousands and disseminated the country’s infrastructure. With the situation critical and worsening on a daily basis, an internationally coordinated aid mission was initiated. Quay Cargo was engaged to ship milk powder and generators to the island to support aid efforts to stabilise the country and help the population.

A man exits a restaurant after he looked for his belongings
: by Marco Dormino/ The United Nations, is licensed under CC BY

“I Do, I Undo, I Redo” Artwork

The piece by the French-American artist Louise Bourgeois is an installation which consists of three steel towers each 30ft high. Two towers have spiral staircases which coil around central columns which are surrounded by large circular mirrors. The remaining tower has a square framed steel skin with a spiral staircase concealing a cylindrical core with a further staircase. Quay Cargo was engaged to safely manage the shipment of this significant installation which measured 500ft x 115ft from New York to the South of France in 2014.

The Exhibit “I Do, I Undo, I Redo”, installed in The Tate Modern Turbine Hall in 2000

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Crisis 2001

The non contagious disease is caused by feeding cattle meat and bonemeal from infected livestock. Testing indentified that older cattle within the national herd in the Republic of Ireland were found to be infected by BSE. Given the trade implications of having BSE in the food chain, the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (DAFRD) ordered that infected cattle were to be destroyed. Quay Cargo was subsequently engaged to manage the transportation of meal, bonemeal and bloodmeal. to incinerators in Germany for disposal – as there were no incineration plants in Ireland. The project necessitated Quay Cargo increasing its liability insurance and the customisation of a fleet of containers to safely transport the contagious cargo to German incineration facilities. Over an 18 month period, we shipped over 100,000 tonnes of meal, bonemeal and bloodmeal.

Cattle affected by BSE
: by Dr. Art Davis, is licensed under CC BY